The computer area can be anywhere in the classroom where a computer can be set up and have access to power and internet if needed. A quieter area outside of heavy traffic flow is desirable as often children are trying to "hear" the computer. Equipment: A computer with a child sized computer table is a great thing to have in this area. Use a clip board for signing up to take turns at the computer (download a sign up sheet) and an egg timer for tracking turns. Teach the children how to sign up for a turn and how to turn on the timer. They need very little help from adults to use this area once they have been taught how to sign up and track their time. Supplies to Consider: Ipad Desktop Computer Smartboard |
Download the files below to help you plan and implement a successful Technology Center!
If you don't want to be turning your computer off and on all the time between classes or groups simply tape a piece of construction paper over the screen with a "STOP" sign on it and turn down the volume.
If you don't want to be turning your computer off and on all the time between classes or groups simply tape a piece of construction paper over the screen with a "STOP" sign on it and turn down the volume.